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Clif High's "ζRevolution" - Dick Allgire's RV Data Response

With Clif High's "July 15" event, I anticipate a buildup of magnetic influence with sudden electrical responses (Mars x Uranus), especially with a hurricane and heat storms present in the U.S.A.

Since I delved into Clif High's emotional data for July 15th, fellow astrologers and remote viewers like Dick Allgire offered additional perspectives. In response, Clif offered a reflective analysis to Dick's RV session connecting potential towards the Vegas X Nervous System.

Looking ahead to Clif High's "July 15" event, I anticipate a buildup of magnetic influence with sudden electrical responses (Mars x Uranus), especially with a hurricane and heat storms present with us now. This prompts us to reflect on the potential external or local influences contributing to such events. As we navigate these energetic shifts, it's crucial to remember that pain is often a result of resistance or misalignment with our true nature.

Developing the idea further based off a recent magnetic experience encountered during a heat storm this week, the potential for electro-magnetic war-fair, or "EMF-Air", may already be present. As we're witnessing Hurricane Beryl build up towards Texas, I wonder if this is a natural response based off a magnetically influenced event from this week's East Coast heat wave. If so, what if additional magnetic influences to shape and direct the storm's release are both to curtail the response from Nature's ebb while potentially escalating conduction in our skies to enact weather warfair.

Geoengineering programs are keen to introduce foreign agents into our local environment to better influence at a distance. Just as introducing new animals to an ecosystem can disrupt natural balances, these human-made interventions have consequences to our health, food supply, and overall environment for future generations. We must collectively acknowledge the impact of human engineering programs to better care for our natural world. In response to these environmental challenges, many of us are seeking ways to detox and restore balance to our bodies and our home. We're embracing homesteading, backyard gardens, and exploring natural solutions for heavy metal detoxification. It's a journey of self-discovery and reconnecting with nature's healing powers.

On a broader scale, we are witnessing the political landscape's failure of governing systems to truly support their people. It's time to reclaim our power and recognize that change begins with each of us. We have the ability to shape our future and must not forget our connection to nature. Honor nature and it will nurture our true selves.

As we approach the full moon later this month, we'll also experience Chiron going retrograde. Retrogrades offer us the ability to reorient, in this case we will be able to address the wounded warrior of a spiritual nature. With the addition of 3 other retrograde planets (Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto) in this sector of the sky, I would imagine we may have the opportunity to release and lighten our karmic burdens, restrictions, and ideals later this year.

The upcoming months will provide opportunities to work on ourselves, our communities, and our connection with nature. Our individual choices have a profound impact on the collective. By choosing independence and change, we break free from limited options and create a future that aligns with our highest good. It's essential to listen to our inner guidance and stay true to ourselves, even when faced with external pressures.

As we continue our exploration, it's essential to recognize the power of embodiment and taking action. Our passions drive us forward, and we must embrace the experiences that life presents. Whether it's witnessing the beauty of nature or navigating challenging times, we are constantly shaping our reality. Through experience itself, we embody the fruit of our labor to gain a deeper understanding of the world available to us. It's a continuous journey of self-discovery and co-creation with Universe.

In conclusion, as we navigate the energetic potential of July, let's embrace transformation and embody our highest selves. Stay cool during these hot summer days, and continue to seek inspiration and growth. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and remember to always stay true to your path.


Recorded July 7th, 2024
Runtime: 102 minutes

Eric Tecce

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