Eric Tecce
Eric Tecce
#008 "Rising State of the World" feat. Tory Kroeger

#008 "Rising State of the World" feat. Tory Kroeger

As an Artist of Creation & Light, I find myself drawn to the symbolic language of the universe. Recently, I sat down with my studio partner, Tory Kroeger, to reflect on the current energy of July 2024

Recently, I sat down with my studio partner, Tory Kroeger, to reflect on the current energy of July 2024. Tory shared a powerful dream of celestial eclipse events, weaving a real time symbolic breakdown. Reminder that we are all on our unique journeys, processing and experiencing Light in our own way. The true potential of Nature's healing modality embodies Light to heal our wounds from within.

As an Artist of Creation & Light, I often find myself drawn to the symbolic language of the universe, seeking to understand the hidden messages and their impact on our lives. By studying principles of Nature, we create art, music, and structures that resonate with the essence of who we are. The Art of Symbolism & Natural Philosophy are powerful tools that help us understand and express our true selves. This journey can lead us to explore new art forms, connect with nature, and prioritize healthy eating habits.

It is crucial to tune in and pay attention to the detrimental effects of generational systems that have been imposed upon us. The wave of awareness is growing, and people are starting to stand up and say they will not take this anymore. From the industrialization of food and medicine to the indoctrination in our education system; these behaviors are often justified as being progressive, but in reality, they are damaging to both children and families. We must address the corruption and abuse of power that has harmed our children and poisoned humanity. We must hold abusers accountable and take steps to heal and move forward to reclaim our power, enrich our community, & break free from the parasitic systems that have robbed us of our true nature and potential.

When challenging times call upon high emotions and reflective experiences, strength rises by the heart's courage. We must work from the inside out and address our own conditioning to create meaningful change. By cultivating and blossoming our Light, we arrive into the present aligned with Nature to radiate our heart's creation. Such unique gifts & perspectives contribute to the collective remembering. We must choose to embody the Light and Rise to the occasion, just as the Sun/Sol rises above. Our best can create a healthier and more harmonious future for our family & generations to come.

"Stress Less, Do More" is the ultimate art of the wave. The true Law of Nature is embodiment of the ebb and flow as One. The example of Frank Lloyd Wright, an architect ahead of his time, highlights the importance of harmonizing with the natural cycles of Light for optimal living. Nature provides us with everything we need to heal and thrive. By spending time in nature and consuming natural, unprocessed foods, we can improve our physical and mental well-being. We can also use natural remedies to address issues such as parasites and heavy metal toxicity essential to detoxify and restore our best Light for positive changes.

True change begins from within. This may involve stepping outside our comfort zone and embracing new experiences that expand our perspective. Sharing our thoughts and experiences is a powerful way to inspire and learn from one another. By expressing our unique perspectives and life journeys, we can help others navigate their own paths and discover their true potential. By listening to our inner voice and following our heart's desires, we can shape a life that is aligned with our true nature.

Thank you for tuning in & continue to Stay True, and as Tory says, Curious!

Recorded July 23rd, 2024
Runtime: 97 minutes

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